Who we are

Membership in the Emerald Greens (EG) Men’s Club is open to all men interested in playing competitive golf and enjoying the social aspects of playing with friends. Emerald Greens Men’s Club annual dues are $90.00 and includes:

  • Eligibility to register and participate in Emerald Greens Men’s Club Tournaments.

  • Eligibility to sign up and participate in the 9-Hole and/or 18-Hole Leagues (if space is available).

  • Annual USGA handicap (“GHIN”) fee.

  • A 20% discount in the Emerald Greens pro-shop.

  • A subscription to Minnesota Golfer magazine.

  • Emerald Greens & the Men’s Club are members of the Minnesota Public Golf Association (MPGA), and all Emerald Greens Men’s Club members are eligible to register to play in MPGA events.

  • Eligibility for the EG Men’s Club 8-man senior team (MPGA Event for players over 55).

The Emerald Greens Men’s Club is a non-profit organization. Membership dues are used to support Club members as suggested above. In addition, members’ dues are used to organize and facilitate Club tournaments & leagues and are returned to members through on-course events at tournaments, enhanced tournament prize pools and an expanded prize pool at the annual End-of-Season tournament & banquet (one of two annual meetings of the Emerald Greens Men’s Club).

The Emerald Greens Men’s Club is governed and organized by a Board of Directors elected by Club membership. The organization’s bylaws authorize up to 13 members of the Emerald Greens Men’s Club to serve on the Board of Directors. If you have questions about or are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please contact current Board members or current Board President Mike Maguire.


Contact us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!