2025 Leagues
The Emerald Greens Men’s Club offers 18-Hole and 9-Hole Leagues.
The 9-Hole League begins Wednesday, April 23rd and continues for 18 weeks. The 9- Hole League consists of 3 divisions – up to 16 Two-Man teams per division. The league format is handicapped USGA TEAM Better Ball / Match Play each week. Scoring takes handicaps into account to determine the winner of each individual match. Playoff format will be released after final numbers of team and divisions. Total TEAM cost for the 9-Hole League is $933.00
The 18-Hole League begins Thursday, April 24th and continues for 18 weeks. The 18- Hole League consists of a maximum of 20 two-man teams. As in the 9-hole league, a team may consist of more than two members, but only 2 play each week. The league format is handicapped USGA Better Ball / Match Play each week. Total TEAM cost for the 18-Hole League is $1,576.00.